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Discipleship and Ministry Leadership

The Center for Discipleship and Ministry Leadership was created to equip, support, and engage seminary students and church practitioners to fulfill the mandate to make disciples (Matt. 28:18-20).

Master of Arts in Discipleship 45 hours

Vocational Calling: To serve in educational ministries (particularly as minister of discipleship, small groups, spiritual formation, assimilation, spiritual maturity; and associate pastors) primarily in local churches, as well as missions, denominational agencies, and other related ministries.

  • Biblical Studies: 12 hours
  • Theological and Historical Studies: 9 hours
  • Applied Ministry Studies: 6 hours
  • Discipleship Core: 12 hours
  • Christian Education Electives: 6 hours

Master of Arts in Christian Education 63 hours

Vocational Calling: To serve in educational ministries (including ministry to children, youth, and adults; church administration; social work; ministers of discipleship, assimilation, maturity; and associate pastors) primarily in local churches, as well as missions, denominational agencies, and other related ministries.

  • Biblical Studies: 12 hours
  • Theological and Historical Studies: 9 hours
  • Applied Ministry Studies: 6 hours
  • Christian Education Core: 21 hours
  • Christian Education Electives: 9 hours
  • Free Electives: 6 hours

Annual events have been created in order to equip and support those who seek to fulfill the mandate to make disciples.

  • TBA
    • Current Research

The Discipleship and Ministry Leadership Division faculty and students are committed to research and writing which promotes the practice of discipleship in the local church and the development of effective ministry leaders for local congregations. In order to help fulfill the mission of New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary the Center for Discipleship and Ministry Leadership faculty and students regularly conduct research and writing projects for professional improvement, contributions to the academic discipline, and fulfillment of academic requirements.

  • Current research projects, publications, and presentations are linked below:
  • Contact Us

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    1.800.662.8701 x8107

    504.282.4455 x8107

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  • About the Center

The Center for Discipleship and Ministry Leadership was created in Spring 2014 to equip, support, and engage seminary students and church practitioners to fulfill the mandate to make disciples (Matt. 28:18-20). The three functions of The Center are the following:

The primary function of The Center is equipping ministry leaders to understand the nature and scope of discipleship and Christian Education ministry. This component includes communicating what NOBTS offers in targeted classes and degrees for equipping educational ministers. This function is accomplished by presentations at annual pastor's conferences by NOBTS faculty and qualified CE students, offering in-church training opportunities for pastors, staff, and/or lay teachers and leaders, and hosting/conducting training events for professional educators and lay leaders. Research and publishing of discipleship and ministry leadership concerns and discoveries is also included in this function of The Center.

The second major function of The Center will be supporting the on-going efforts of contemporary education and discipleship church ministers while enlisting and equipping a new generation of educators. This component includes hosting an annual conference for academicians, professional practitioners, and lay leaders in local church Christian Education. Providing opportunities for education ministers and related staff positions to build peer connections, foster mentoring relationships, and network for career enhancement is a byproduct of hosting an annual conference. The Center supports strengthening denominational and Kingdom alliances with state and national convention leaders, professional organizations, and meaningful dialogue with leaders in the field of Christian Education from other denominations and para-church entities.

The third major area of The Center is engaging our current NOBTS students in discipleship and ministry leadership. The Christian Education division's primary goal at NOBTS is equipping students in Christian Education leadership and ministry. The Center for Discipleship and Ministry Leadership reinforces this goal through a Student Organization that supports three major functions of Christian Education: 1) Recruiting and nurturing students called of God into Christian Education ministry; 2) Providing fellowship and ministry opportunities for Christian Education students and faculty and 3) Partnering with Christian Education faculty with to present local church conferences.